Monday, 27 July 2020

FORGIVENESS II (Forgiving yourself)


In my previous blog post on the subject of “Forgiveness” I put forth some of my thoughts. However, I have discussed only the part of “forgiving others” in detail. There is a more complicated aspect of forgiveness, “forgiving yourself”.

Let us resume the journey.


Why do you have to forgive yourself? What necessitates it? What is the modus operandi? How do you go about forgiving yourself?

All are pertinent questions. All are important questions.

Imagine a situation where the offender is you. You hurt or harmed someone previously. Imagine that the harm is irremediable for some reason such as, say, the victim is deceased, maybe as a direct or indirect consequence of the harm you inflicted. Alternatively, the harm affected the victim in such a way that he/she cannot be compensated for; the time is up, as they say. Even though you have realised the fact that you had harmed someone, you and the victim are in no position to give and receive even an apology, leave alone compensation.

An impossible situation, isn’t it?

Even after you realised that you have inflicted harm on someone, you cannot seek his/her forgiveness for reasons enumerated above. That you want to seek forgiveness indicates your realisation and remorse for what you did. Law may not have punished you sufficiently. You cannot even seek forgiveness of the victim(s) or the others affected.

So, what happens next?

Sensitivity begins its work. It starts to eat you away from within. There can be no punishment crueler than that. The result is depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, and even suicidal tendency. The sense of guilt just will not go away, no matter what you do. This affects not only you but also your family and near and dear, too.

Forgiveness given by the victim is the most visible, acceptable, easiest, and potent process for you to seek a closure to the entire incident. It is because you need the forgiveness of someone else, especially the victim. It is more than a mere symbolic gesture; often, it is more important than the one offered by religion. The victim, overcoming the irreplaceable loss suffered, tries and understands the circumstances and the futility of the poison of vengeance. It is that forgiveness, which gives you a sense of closure to what you perpetrated previously.

In the absence of such forgiveness, what must a repentant offender do?

Would suicide be the lasting and ultimate solution for all parties concerned? Would the mental and physical suffering of the offender be the answer that provides a closure to the entire matter?

None of these.

The only solution to this is forgiving oneself, however insensitive it may seem.

Consider the following undeniable facts:

The hurt or harm cannot be undone.
The loss or damage cannot be remedied or replaced.
Realisation and acceptance of your guilt is not the end-all to the issue.

So, what do you or anyone do?

Live in eternal depression and mental agony? To what purpose?

The perpetrator must return to the society as a responsible human, feeling remorse for his offence. The only way to achieve this is forgiving oneself and moving on.


How do you forgive yourself? Is there a set procedure in the law books or scriptures? Should it be done publicly?

No. You have to devise one for yourself. It can be through an open religious ritual or privately within you.

I personally feel that it is proper and must to be done silently within you. You can work out a plan and execute it within you. A simple “I forgive myself” can be effective. Alternatively, an elaborate mental ritual can be followed wherein you recapitulate your offence, its fallout, its consequences, and your regret and remorse. Then, by means of your own words, you can forgive yourself.

Just remember, there are no set rules or a predetermined or recommended pattern to this crucial aspect of your life so that you can move on.

That brings us to some important facts and factors of life.

Let us look at them.


Why should you be able to forgive yourself? What does the act of forgiving yourself require as basics? What are the metaphysical aspects involved?

On the whys and whats, we have already said a lot in the foregoing paragraphs. What about life, existence, and realities in general?

Whether yours was a minor offence or a major, life-altering, life-shattering one, you require compassion, and understanding as the core of your character. Without this foundation, you will continue to be miserable in that black hole, which will suck up everyone around you eventually.

I reproduce below some important extracts I gleaned on some related websites on the Internet in the fervent hope that they guide you through your difficult situation.

“Forgiving yourself gives you peace. You stop being a captive to any resentment or grudges you may have and start focusing on other things that are important. You can let go and show you are willing to embrace freedom. There is no partial letting go, you have to let go completely so you can completely embrace peace.”


“Why is it hard to forgive yourself?
Sometimes it's because we need the forgiveness of someone else. Some relationships are deeply intertwined with the understanding of our self. It can be friends, partners, family, colleagues or even society. If you think that someone you are dependent upon cannot accept you, you will have a hard time accepting yourself.”


“Why forgiving yourself is important?

Self-forgiveness improves our well-being and productivity. They are kind to themselves, which reduces their anxiety and related depression. In comparison, those who are highly critical of themselves are more likely to experience significant negativity, stress and pessimism.”


“Be courageous enough to forgive yourself; never forget to be compassionate to yourself.”


“The only person we have the right or the power to forgive is ourselves. For everything else, there is the Art of Acceptance.”

“Never forget to forgive yourself; always remember to love yourself.”


“What does forgiving yourself mean?

It means that you accept the behavior, you accept what has happened, and you are willing to move past it and move on with your life without ruminating over past events that cannot be changed.”


“What is true forgiveness?

True forgiveness is freely given as a gift of the love that inspires it. Since the source of true forgiveness is True Love, no one has to earn it. True forgiveness frees the forgiver AND the forgiven. Both are released from the effects of the mistake. True forgiveness is a rational act of self-love.”


My wife, may her soul rest in eternal peace, used to say that I thought too much of a given situation, people, relationships, and life at large, when such a Freudian analysis was not required, even remotely. She was right; I do that; that is my nature, being hypersensitive to life.

What would I do if I found myself in a situation where I must forgive myself to move on with my life?

What would I do if I realised that I had intentionally or unintentionally hurt or harmed someone?

Given my nature, expectedly, I would plummet into the dark abyss, the black hole and I would live a miserable life of self-recrimination, self-blame, and self-flagellation. If I could muster up some courage, I may even attempt to enact the I-forgive-myself act. However, the question would remain, “Would I be truly forgiving myself?”

I truly do not know.


Saturday, 25 July 2020


Didn’t give a last kiss
Didn’t say tearful goodbye
Stay with me li’l longer
I won’t be sad anymore

Just picked up and left
Without even looking back
Walk with me li’l longer
I won’t be sad anymore

Your giggle fell silent
And the smile vanished
Laugh with me li’l louder
I won’t be sad anymore

Didn’t live enough with you
And your infectious zest
Enliven me a li’l longer
I won’t be sad anymore

Our nest needed no lamps
Your eyes dispelled the dark
Light my life li’l brighter
I won’t be sad anymore

Sight for sore eyes you were
With your beatific smiles
Sparkle on me a li’l glitter
I won’t be sad anymore

Let’s meet one last time
Where earth meets the sky
Be with me li’l more patient
I won’t be sad anymore

Yearn for your company, as
Spirit is down and will lost
Guide me a li’l longer
I won’t be sad anymore

                                                         …shyam sundar bulusu

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


The road is pitch-dark
And the journey long
The sky is naked, stark
Know not where I belong.

Every corner lurks crisis
God’s ways unfathomable
Is this what life is
Dark labyrinth impregnable?

Safe inside your womb
Connected by umbilical cord
Palace it was, not a tomb
You caressed and smiled a nod.

Came out crying and kicking
You suckled and sang a lullaby
Played on your breast rocking
Dozed on bosom, ample and milky.

Knew not life was so tough
Your support, the rock of Gibraltar
From life’s current swift and rough
Stood by my girl and me at the altar.

Years passed swift as moments
Lost my girl to fate’s unkind cuts
Plummeted by life’s cruel currents
Ruing my loss through ifs and buts.

Goal is blurred, path unclear
Engulfed by a dark, black hue
Know not how to swim, how to steer
Can’t cope alone, Mom, where are you?

…By shyam sundar bulusu

Saturday, 18 July 2020


The act of forgiving is defined thus in dictionaries.

Forgiveness: n. the act of forgiving; pardon.

Further explanatory descriptions, in general, go thus.

Forgiveness is the release of resentment or anger. Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation. We do not have to return to the same relationship or accept the same harmful behaviour from our offenders.

Forgiveness is for our own growth and happiness. Holding on to hurt, pain, resentment, and anger is harmful to us far more than it is to our offenders.

Forgiveness frees us to live in the present. Our anger, regret, hatred, or resentment towards someone means that we are giving up our power to that person.

Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions but freeing ourselves of the negative energies that bind us to them.


Forgiving can be (i) forgiving others or (ii) forgiving oneself. Let me take you along with me through my thought process and address these two aspects one after the other.


Forgiving Others

A case for forgiving someone arises only when that someone harmed and/or hurt us in the past. This harm or hurt could be purely physical or it could be mental, emotional.

Physical harm, intentional or otherwise, could be due to a crime or accident against our beloveds or us; if that act results in the loss of the life or lives of our beloveds, the wounds do not heal for the rest of our lives.

On the other hand, emotional harm/hurt is an entirely different thing; it is invisible to the eye as are its effects. Usually, it is the result of a betrayal of our love and trust.

I shall not go into the details of what, why, and how of the harm/hurt and of the betrayal itself but shall take the path of understanding how best we can move on with our lives despite the wound to our inner self because that is the crux of the problem.


The betrayal of our love and trust will be an indelible part of our lives; it stays with us for the rest of our lives, whatever the repercussions of that to the victim and perpetrator alike are.

If the betrayal is an accident and is unintentional on the part of the perpetrator and the perpetrator is genuinely remorseful and apologetic, things may be easier for a resolution. However, a resolution depends on the grievousness of the hurt inflicted, the extent of the damage caused to the victim, and the willingness of the victim.

On the other hand, if the betrayal is by design and is intentional there may not be any scope for a resolution. The victim may harbour an implacable umbrage and may even seek retribution; the scars on victim’s heart and mind are for life.


Through the foregoing paragraphs I have only tried to lay the general background in front of you; I am sure some of you may not be in total or even partial agreement with me. Still, I shall wade through the heart-numbing consequences that a wrongdoing has on the victim and explore a resolution that must be effected for the sake of the victim’s welfare post-betrayal, post-trauma.


Fear, anger, disgust, sadness, rage, loneliness, melancholy, and annoyance are some of the most commonly felt negative emotions. There is no gainsaying that among these anger, loneliness and melancholy are the most dangerous for an individual, as these are self-destructive for the individual.

There is a poem in Telugu, which goes thus.

తన à°•ోపమే తన శత్à°°ుà°µు.
One’s anger is one’s (worst) enemy.

Taking this raw truth forward, let us delve into the twin aspects of anger, melancholy, and loneliness on one side and forgiveness on the other.


What happens when one feels betrayed especially when one is in a personal, psychological, and emotional low? This low could be the consequence of a personal loss of, say, a property, a position, etc. or, most seriously, a dear person. The betrayal could be in the form of denial of moral and emotional support. The traumatised victim would be looking to lash out at the offenders, to vent out the anger somehow, anyhow. That is the genesis of one’s problem, the seething anger pushing one to seek vengeance and retribution, to hurt the offenders just as they hurt him/her. If this pent up rage does not find a release through a safety valve it will become all-consuming and will devour the victim from within. It will lead to serious problems of rage, melancholia, and depression.

What are the consequences of such repressed anger? The victim will slide down the slippery slope of a dark abyss housing anger, loneliness, melancholia, and depression, often irretrievably.

Is this what the victim wished for? Certainly not.

All that the victim wished for was vengeance.

Okay, let us assume that the victim has succeeded in wreaking vengeance. What next?

Does it induce a sense of relief from the original grief caused by a loss or from the sense of betrayal? Does it help in getting rid of the anger, the loneliness, the melancholia, or the depression? Does it provide a closure?

You will have to look inside yourself for answers for such questions.

The seething anger caused by the grief, the loneliness, the melancholia, and the depression is like a self-destruct button. Pressing it would only destroy the victim; it does not affect the offender. The victim seethes, seethes, and seethes endlessly and plummets into the dark abyss of depression, which could cause further serious problems for the victim.

So, what is the solution? Solution to what; is it for the original grief, the sense of betrayal, or the consequent anger and depression? Are they all different from one another when you look at the agony the victim is being subjected to?

Let us face some hard facts.

The original loss cannot be undone. If it could be undone, there would not be any problem in the first place at all, would it? So, the loss is irreparable, irreplaceable, and irremediable.

That is fact #1.

The act of betrayal, of trust and love, cannot be undone.

That is fact #2.

The anger born out of the combined effect of the original loss and the sense of betrayal is but natural and justified to a large extent. We are all human, aren’t we?

That is fact #3.

However, seeking and wreaking vengeance and retribution helps none, definitely not the already-traumatised victim. On the contrary, it might create a fresh set of incurable problems for the innocent near and dear of the offender and, by its perpetration, to the victim himself/herself. So, it has not helped the victim at all.

That is fact #4.

To summarise, for whatever reason, cosmic or mundane, the victim is placed in an unenviable position from which there is no reprieve. Anger, depression, and vendetta do not help the victim an iota by way of relief.

That is fact #5.

So, where and how can the victim find a solution, a resolution, a closure for the issue?

For that, one must look inside oneself.


I am looking inwards, into my mind, into my heart.

Why did I bring me into this discourse?

You will see.


It is over 4½ years since I lost my soul mate. I am shattered and am unable to cope with the loss, even today. The images of the physical suffering she underwent still haunt me no end. I shall not go into the details of it; I do not want to perpetuate or bequeath them to the minds of my near and dear, especially my daughters. Suffice it to say that I had physically seen and mentally suffered every infinitesimal bit of her suffering.

In the aftermath of that catastrophic event, I plummeted into the abyss I described earlier. It was dark, frightening, and depressing day after interminable day. Travelling blindly in that dark tunnel, I yearned and prayed for a ray of hope in the form of a few kind words of solace from relatives, friends, and contacts. Not only were they not forthcoming but it dawned on me that I did not exist for them any longer! It was as though I died along with my soul mate on that fateful day in November 2015. Filled with uncontrollable rage, I drowned deeper and deeper into the dark abyss with no hope of recovery, ever.

I felt betrayed. I was betrayed.

Did the thought of forgetting and/or forgiving occur to me? Yes, since I was aware of the philosophy.

Did I even fleetingly consider forgetting and/or forgiving my offenders? No, I did not. It was too much to expect that magnanimity from me.

I seethed, seethed, and seethed endlessly; the pain of my loss was such; the pain of the betrayal was such.

That I have not gone over the precipice during this traumatic period is due to the few most import people in my life, my two biological daughters and their families, and a few more daughters out there, who were not born out of my wife’s womb. I cannot describe it anymore, for words fail me.

In search of solace, I continued with my passion for writing and published several books (English fiction), and began my journey into the world of painting hues and musical notes. I found it, the panacea for my problem. These activities helped me a very great deal in healing the near-mortal would inflicted by that catastrophe. I recovered significantly, but it was not enough.

Surprisingly, the ultimate solution to my inner devastation emerged as a consequence of a further crisis of mine. I was advised to and I did willingly adopt the ritual of meditation (I call it dhyanam). I am not supposed to share the details of my journey with anyone, even close family members, except my guru. So, I shall spare you my ranting into that topic. Suffice it to say that I have experienced a change in me that surprises me! Even my daughters have observed the salubrious change and they are extremely happy for it, for me, and for themselves.

The pain inside me has eased considerably. I am able to handle it and myself better. I have begun to accept my loss, which I always knew was the cosmic truth.

Does it mean that I do not have or I do not feel the pain any longer? “No, I still do have and still feel the pain.”

Does it mean that I am no longer depressed? “No, I still slip into depression sometimes.”

Does it mean that I am ready to forgive?

Yesterday my answer to the question was, “No.”

Today my answer is, “I do not know.”

If it is to happen, it will happen.

If it happens, it must happen on its own volition, in its own time, and in its own space in the cosmos.

I do not know.


It is with a clearer mind that I wrote the foregoing paragraphs.

I realise and I believe that forgiveness is the only panacea that will offer me a semblance of solace.

Will I be able to forgive? Will I forgive?

I do not know.


Monday, 6 July 2020


Sitting in front of the door
Waiting for it to open
And let you waltz in.
I know, my love
The door will never open
You will never again waltz in.
My ceramic dream it is
Destined to shatter and it did
Still, with tear-blurred eyes
I keep watching the door
I know will never open.