Thursday 24 December 2020



I wrote the following prayer on demand from a daughter of mine. It is in the spirit of Christmas, love, kindness, and compassion to all humanity.
All pacifists profess love and compassion only. They are beyond the narrow confines of a religion. They may be the beginning of a relligion. But only love and compassion are their goals, their mission.


Thirty silvers cannot betray me
Dog-bone whip does not deter me
Crown of thorns is garland to me
Spear in the gut only emboldens me.

What is life without kindness and love?
Choose between the eagle and the dove.
Stand up for poor when push comes to shove
Have compassion for humanity, by Jove.

Cut across all religious jingoism
Embrace kindness and humanitarianism
Humanity is catapulting towards cataclysm
Let a rainbow stream out of life’s prism.

Humans trapped in insurmountable obstacle
Caught up inextricably in hate’s tentacle
Was my blood in vain through atrium and ventricle?
Oh Lord, guide me in these times impossible.

To spread compassion, here’s the season
Emancipate humans from hate’s prison
For cheering every human, offer a reason
Oh Lord and Father, give strength to your son!

... shyam sundar bulusu